Mi Caos y Creación comparte con Ustedes los últimos lanzamientos de Purple Chick: Seattle Down [July - Aug 1964] y Convention Hall Wisdom [Sep 64 - Apr 65]. The Beatles en vivo!!!Seattle Down [July - Aug 1964] es el quinto volumen de esta serie que reúne registros en vivo, y capta la primera mitad de la gira de los Fab Four en su primera vistia a USA.
Como siempre, Purple Chick compila varias sources (las mejores disponibles). Por ejemplo, aqui, la versión del "Hollywood Bowl Concert", es el tape stereo completo sin editar.
El tracklist, especificando (donde esta disponible) la fuente:
Blackpool Night Out - 19 July, 1964 1: operating table sketch (July 1964) 2: intro (July 1964 + Blackpool Night Out '64 Upgraded) 3: A Hard Day's Night (Blackpool Night Out '64 Upgraded) 4: Things We Said Today (Blackpool Night Out '64 Upgraded) 5: You Can't Do That (Blackpool Night Out '64 Upgraded) 6: If I Fell (Blackpool Night Out '64 Upgraded) 7: Long Tall Sally (Blackpool Night Out'64 Upgraded + Mythology)
Johannesshovs Isstadion, Stockholm, Sweden - 28 July, 1964 8: intro (Can You Hear Me?)
Cow Palace, San Francisco, CA - 19 August, 1964 9: intro (We'd Like To Carry On) 10: Twist And Shout (We'd Like To Carry On) 11: She Loves You (We'd Like To Carry On) 12: A Hard Day's Night (We'd Like To Carry On) 13: Can't Buy Me Love/You Can't Do That (unbooted)
Convention Hall, Las Vegas, NV - 20 August, 1964 9: intro (Eye of the Hurricane DVD) 10: Twist And Shout (Eye of the Hurricane DVD) Coliseum, Seattle, WA - 21 August, 1964 16: intro (Northwest Nights) 17: Twist And Shout (Northwest Nights) 18: You Can't Do That (Northwest Nights) 19: All My Loving (Northwest Nights) 20: She Loves You (Northwest Nights) 21: Things We Said Today (Northwest Nights) 22: Roll Over Beethoven (Northwest Nights) 23: Can't Buy Me Love (Northwest Nights) 24: If I Fell (Northwest Nights) 25: I Want To Hold Your Hand (Northwest Nights + We'd Like To Carry On) 26: Boys (Northwest Nights) 27: A Hard Day's Night (Northwest Nights) 28: Long Tall Sally (Northwest Nights)
Empire Stadium, Vancouver, Canada - 22 August, 1964 1: intro (Northwest Nights) 2: Twist And Shout (Northwest Nights) 3: You Can't Do That (Northwest Nights) 4: All My Loving (Northwest Nights) 5: She Loves You (Northwest Nights) 6: Things We Said Today (Northwest Nights) 7: Roll Over Beethoven (Northwest Nights) 8: Can't Buy Me Love (Northwest Nights) 9: If I Fell (Northwest Nights) 10: Boys (Northwest Nights) 11: A Hard Day's Night (Northwest Nights) 12: Long Tall Sally (Northwest Nights)
Hollywood Bowl, Los Angeles, CA - 23 August, 1964 13: intro (The Complete Hollywood Bowl Concerts) 14: Twist And Shout (The Complete Hollywood Bowl Concerts) 15: You Can't Do That (The Complete Hollywood Bowl Concerts) 16: All My Loving (The Complete Hollywood Bowl Concerts) 17: She Loves You (The Complete Hollywood Bowl Concerts) 18: Things We Said Today (The Complete Hollywood Bowl Concerts) 19: Roll Over Beethoven (The Complete Hollywood Bowl Concerts) 20: Can't Buy Me Love (The Complete Hollywood Bowl Concerts) 21: If I Fell (The Complete Hollywood Bowl Concerts) 22: I Want To Hold Your Hand (The Complete Hollywood Bowl Concerts) 23: Boys (The Complete Hollywood Bowl Concerts) 24: A Hard Day's Night (The Complete Hollywood Bowl Concerts) 25: Long Tall Sally (The Complete Hollywood Bowl Concerts) 26: outro (The Complete Hollywood Bowl Concerts)
Los links para "Seattle Down" en formato FLAC y el artwork completo:
Convention Hall Wisdom [Sep 64 - Apr 65] es el sexto volumen en vivo de Purple Chick.
Este volúmen nos trae a The Beatles finalizando su primera gira a USA en el 64 y un show del 65 (que según Purple Chick no tenia lugar en el próximo volúmen!!!). El sonido de los sources utilizados fue mejorado y reecualizado y los shows de Indianapolis, Philadelphia y Montreal suenan de maravillas.
El tracklist, especificándose el source donde está disponible:
Convention Hall, Philadelphia, PA - 2 September, 1964 1: intro (Ultimate Live Collection) 2: Twist And Shout (Ultimate Live Collection) 3: You Can't Do That (Ultimate Live Collection) 4: All My Loving (Ultimate Live Collection) 5: She Loves You (Ultimate Live Collection) 6: Things We Said Today (Ultimate Live Collection) 7: Roll Over Beethoven (Ultimate Live Collection) 8: Can't Buy Me Love (Ultimate Live Collection) 9: If I Fell (Ultimate Live Collection) 10: I Want To Hold Your Hand (Ultimate Live Collection) 11: Boys (Ultimate Live Collection) 12: A Hard Day's Night (Ultimate Live Collection) 13: Long Tall Sally (Ultimate Live Collection)
State Fair Coliseum, Indianapolis, IN - 3 September, 1964 14: intro (Ultimate Live Collection) 15: Twist And Shout (Ultimate Live Collection) 16: You Can't Do That (Ultimate Live Collection) 17: All My Loving (Ultimate Live Collection) 18: She Loves You (Ultimate Live Collection) 19: Things We Said Today (Ultimate Live Collection) 20: Roll Over Beethoven (Ultimate Live Collection) 21: Can't Buy Me Love (Ultimate Live Collection) 22: If I Fell (Ultimate Live Collection) 23: I Want To Hold Your Hand (Ultimate Live Collection) 24: Boys (Ultimate Live Collection) 25: A Hard Day's Night (Ultimate Live Collection) 26: Long Tall Sally (Ultimate Live Collection+ State Fair To Hollywood)
International Amphitheatre, Chicago, IL - 5 September, 1964 1: intro (Make As Much Noise As You Like) 2: Twist And Shout-You Can't Do That (Make As Much Noise As You Like) Olympia Stadium, Detroit, MI - 6 September, 1964 3: intro (unbooted) 4: Can't Buy Me Love (Make As Much Noise As You Like)
Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto, Canada - 7 September, 1964 5: You Can't Do That (Can You Hear Me?) 6: All My Loving (Can You Hear Me?) 7: She Loves You (Can You Hear Me?) Montreal Forum, Montreal, Canada - 8 September, 1964 8: intro (In Montreal) 9: Twist And Shout (In Montreal) 10: You Can't Do That (In Montreal) 11: All My Loving (In Montreal) 12: She Loves You (In Montreal) 13: Things We Said Today (In Montreal) 14: Roll Over Beethoven (In Montreal) 15: Can't Buy Me Love (In Montreal) 16: If I Fell (In Montreal) 17: Boys (In Montreal) 18: A Hard Day's Night (In Montreal)
Boston Garden, Boston, MA - 12 September, 1964 19 Twist And Shout (We'd Like To Carry On)
City Park Stadium, New Orleans, LA - 16 September, 1964 20: intro to all my loving (City Park Stadium - New Orleans) 21: intro to she loves you (City Park Stadium - New Orleans) 22: intro to things we said today (City Park Stadium - New Orleans) 23: intro to can't buy me love (City Park Stadium - New Orleans) 24: intro to if i fell (City Park Stadium - New Orleans) 25: intro to boys (City Park Stadium - New Orleans) 26: intro to a hard day's night (City Park Stadium - New Orleans) 27: intro to long tall sally (City Park Stadium - New Orleans) unknown location - September(?), 1964 28: She Loves You (Can You Hear Me?)
Shindig, Granville Theater, Fulham, London - 3 October, 1964 29: Kansas City/Hey Hey Hey Hey (undubbed) (In Case You Don't Know) 30: Kansas City/Hey Hey Hey Hey (In Case You Don't Know) 31: intro (In Case You Don't Know) 32: I'm A Loser (In Case You Don't Know) 33: Boys (In Case You Don't Know) 34: outro (In Case You Don't Know) ABC Cinema, Plymouth - 29 October, 1964 35: Twist And Shout (Medley-Russell) (unbooted)
NME Pollwinners Concert, Empire Pool, Wembley - 11 April, 1965 36: intro (The New Musical Express Poll Winners' Concert 1965) 37: I Feel Fine (NME Poll Winners…) 38: She's A Woman (NME Poll Winners…) 39: Baby's In Black (NME Poll Winners…) 40: Ticket To Ride (NME Poll Winners…) 41: Long Tall Sally (NME Poll Winners…) 42: outro (NME Poll Winners…) Bonus Track: The Best On Record - 28 April, 1965 43: It's A Long Way To Tipperrary (Telecasts)
Los links para el "PC06 Live" en FLAC format y artwork completo incluido:
Los links para el mp3/128kbps exclusivo de Mi Caos y Creación con el artwork incluído:
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